HB2263 builds on Oklahoma’s existing ban on texting while driving by restricting handheld cell phone use in designated high-risk areas. The legislation allows drivers to continue using hands-free technology such as Bluetooth, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, ensuring they can stay connected without taking their hands off the wheel.
“Distracted driving is a serious issue, and this bill is a straightforward, common-sense step to keep drivers’ focus where it belongs: on the road,” Miller said. “You can still take a call using hands-free technology but putting the phone down in these critical areas will help save lives. It’s a small change that makes a significant difference.”
The legislation establishes clear enforcement guidelines, mirroring penalties for existing texting and driving ban. Importantly, the bill also protects driver privacy by ensuring law enforcement cannot examine, confiscate or download data from a driver’s phone without a warrant or probable cause of a crime.
According to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, between 2017 and 2021, distracted driving led to 250 fatalities and 8,000 injuries in the state. Studies show drivers involved in crashes are twice as likely to have used their phones in the minute leading up to the accident.
HB2263 passed the House 59-24 and now moves to the Senate for further consideration.