Change Marks Significant Milestone in Consumer Transition to EVs

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Oct. 1, 2024 – After more than 50 years providing Members and drivers across the country with the latest gas prices, AAA has expanded its weekly Fuel Gauge Report to include the cost of electricity, a significant milestone in the ongoing transition of U.S. motorists to electric or partially electric vehicles. The weekly report now provides data for all levels of public charging (Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3/DC Fast).

For example, the most recent report indicated the nation’s top 10 least expensive states for public charging per kilowatt hour were Kansas (22 cents), Missouri (24 cents), Delaware (26 cents), Wisconsin (28 cents), Nebraska (29 cents), Texas (29 cents), Michigan (30 cents,) North Dakota (30 cents), Utah (31 cents) and Vermont (31 cents).

“National Drive Electric Week is certainly a fitting time to recognize that electric vehicle ownership, once reserved for the rare auto enthusiast, has become so mainstream as to prompt AAA to add electricity to its weekly consumer report,” says Rylie Fletcher, spokesperson for AAA Oklahoma. “As the advocacy organization for all motorists, AAA provides a wide range of resources to support those considering electric vehicle ownership, those who have already made the switch and even those who may have an EV they are now looking to sell.”

Latest EV Sales Data

According to Cox Automotive, U.S. electric vehicle sales in Q2 of this year increased almost 23% from Q1 and were up more than 11% when compared to Q2 last year. 

AAA EV Resources

In addition to its weekly Fuel Gauge Report, AAA provides its Members and consumers with a broad range of resources to support their growing interest in electric or hybrid vehicles:

  1. When and what to provides information to help inform electric vehicle buying decisions, electric vehicle ownership and used electric vehicle sales.
  2. Where to buy: AAA partner Recurrent recently analyzed data in all 50 states to determine the best and worst states in which to buy an electric vehicle.
  3. Driving Costs: AAA’s ‘Your Driving Costs’ report provides a comparison of costs related to EVs, hybrid and gas fueled vehicles.
  4. Charging while travelingAAA’s TripTik Travel Planner helps EV owners map out travel routes that include charging stations
  5. Emergency Roadside Service for EVs: AAA continues to expand its fleet of Emergency Roadside Service vehicles that can provide a charge for EV owners stranded at the roadside.

Another valued EV resource, the AAA mobile app includes information on where EV owners can charge their vehicles in the gas finder section. Members can simply change the filter to “electric,” and nearby charging stations will appear.

About AAA:
AAA provides automotive, travel, and insurance services to more than 65.2 million members nationwide and more than 450,000 members in Oklahoma.  AAA advocates for the safety and mobility of its members and has been committed to outstanding road service for more than 100 years.  AAA is a non-stock, membership corporation working on behalf of motorists, who can map a route, find local gas prices and electric vehicle charging stations, discover discounts, book a hotel, and track their roadside assistance service with the AAA Mobile app ( for iPhone, iPad and Android.  For more information on joining or renewing a Membership, visit

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