By Glenda Wise 



We are in the homestretch for Gracie being home for the holidays. I am literally counting down the days and the hours before she gets home. Once she gets here, we have more things planned to do before Christmas than we can possibly get done, but I don’t care, because we’ll have fun trying.

Admittedly, I have been lacking on the Christmas decorations at my house. Given everything that has happened this year, I just haven’t been quite as gung-ho as I have been in the past. This is the longest we have ever gone without having a tree up, so the first thing on our to-do list is to go to the Pine Grove Christmas Tree Farm in Charleston and pick out our tree. I think once we do that, it will feel a lot more like Christmas. We have decided to go old school and string popcorn and cranberries for garland. This will actually be the first time I have ever done this. After Googling the best way to make said garland, it got me to thinking about how sad it is that I have to Google anything to make sure we have a Christmas filled with nostalgia this year. Here are some of the top ideas I found, just in case you guys need help like me:

• Write and mail a letter to Santa. It’s been a few years since we have written a letter to Santa, so I think it’s high time we write one.
• In addition to the homemade garland, make your own holiday ornaments.
• Go ice-skating. Just as I typed this, Matt Standridge from 5 News just did a piece about the outdoor ice-skating rink in Bentonville. Sounds like a great afternoon to me!
• Decorate a gingerbread house. If you aren’t as talented as Katie Shore at making your own gingerbread, you can purchase a gingerbread house kit for $5 – $10. I have tried to master the gingerbread making and it is complete fail every single time. I have accepted the fact that this is something I just can’t do. I will save myself the agony and buy the kit.
• Plan a day to make cookies and candy to give to neighbors and co-workers.
• Watch classic Christmas movies like Miracle on 34th Street or White Christmas while sipping on hot cocoa.
• Attend a local, live Christmas performance.
• Make someone else’s Christmas a little brighter by providing gifts for those less fortunate.

Enjoy this precious time with your family and friends. Here’s to a very wonderful and happy holiday season to you and your family.

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