Vegetables for the Fall Garden

To some extent, the selection of crops will be influenced by what is presently in the garden and producing, family preference, space, water available for irrigation, and crops adapted for fall production.

Some crops that were planted in the spring garden that may continue in production are tomato, okra, pepper, sweet potato, cowpea, and New Zealand spinach. These plants may produce excellent yields in the later fall season if given proper care. If tomato, okra, or New Zealand spinach plants are too large for the space, prune them to reduce their size and also stimulate growth. If they are cultivated, it should be done very shallowly and used primarily to remove grass and broadleaved weeds. They should also be fertilized, watered, and mulched.

Tender Vegetable table below provides some options for the fall.

Growing Fall Irish Potatoes

If seed potatoes are available and space permits, potatoes are a desirable supplement to the fall and winter food supply. Yields are usually lower than from spring-planted potatoes, but proper storage is much easier to make available and potato quality is excellent.




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