
There are many different places to find medicare information on the internet and with that arises false information and misconceptions. 

Scott Maibor, Medicare Expert, has provided the truth to the top eight most common medicare myths1. Medicare Part A is required when you turn age 65.Medicare Part A is NOT required and you will NOT be penalized if you don’t have it.  2. Medicare is free.NO!  Part A has no premium IF you, or your spouse, have 40+ quarters of work in the US.  If you have less you may be eligible for Part A but will pay a sliding premium based upon the number of quarters.Part B has a standard premium of $170.10/mo/pp.  This can be adjusted based on income. 3. All Medicare plans are from the Federal Government.No.  The Federal Government ONLY applies Parts A&B.  All other Medicare plans are from private insurance carriers and most have premiums. 4. You cannot have an HSA (Health Savings Account) if I have Medicare.You are welcome to have an HSA and can use it to pay your Medicare premiums and other medical expenses.  However, you CANNOT contribute to your HSA neither can your spouse or employer, 6 months prior to enrolling in Medicare.  5. I cannot have Medicare if I am working full-time.Medicare is available to anyone age 65+ (or disabled).  Work status does not matter.  In fact it may be far better coverage and/or less expensive then your Employer’s Group plan. 6. Medicare prices are income dependent.True.  If you are considered “high income” based upon the IRMAA income chart you will be assessed a surcharge on Parts B & D.The price of Supplements are not income dependent. 7. COBRA counts as Employer based coverageNO!  If you are over 65 and on COBRA you will be at risk of being assessed a late enrollment penalty when you eventually go on Medicare because your time on COBRA does NOT count as Employer coverage. 8. Medicare is required of everyone over age 65Yes however, if you or your spouse are covered by an Employer’s plan AND that Employer is larger than 20 Employees you do NOT need to opt into Medicare until you separate from your Employer.

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