OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) will begin accepting online applications July 9, 2019 for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The federally-funded program helps income-eligible families with their summer utility cooling bills. Persons needing assistance with summer cooling utility bills should apply online at www.OKDHSLive.org


Eligible households already receiving assistance through DHS are pre-authorized to receive LIHEAP which means they do not need to fill out an application. Households not pre-authorized, but receive assistance through DHS, have been notified by U.S. Mail and should apply online at www.OKDHSLive.org


Native American households may apply through www.OKDHSLive.org or through their tribal nation. Tribal households cannot receive assistance from both DHS and their tribe during the same federal fiscal year.


Only one payment per household is allowed annually for LIHEAP summer cooling assistance. “Household” is defined as individuals living “under the same roof” with one utility meter.


Maximum income guidelines per household size:
 1 person: $1,316
 2 people: $1,784
 3 people: $2,252
 4 people: $2,720
 5 people: $3,188
 6 people: $3,656
 7 people: $4,124
 8 people: $4,592


Persons applying should have the most recent cooling bill information for their home or utility supplier, as well as their ID, social security number and verification of income. For more information and to apply for benefits, visit www.OKDHSLive.org



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