Gwendolyn Carol (Gullick) Martinez was born October 20, 1964 to Flora James Gullick and Roy Gullick of Poteau, Oklahoma. She passed away May 14, 2022 in Fort Smith, Arkansas at the age of 57.

Everyone knew her as Gwen or “Gwen Hopper” which is what her sister, Monie, jokingly called her. Gwen didn’t much care for said nickname but “Gwen Hopper” stuck. Gwen was a bit of a handful to say the least. A woman not afraid of speaking her mind. If you ever didn’t want to hear the truth however harsh it may be, you probably shouldn’t ask Gwen, with feelings aside she would tell it to you. She was not being mean or rude just straight forward honesty from the heart. Gwen was strong, to her children, she was fearless. Gwen was a hard working woman and strongly believed in working for what you needed in life, she didn’t believe in handouts if you were able and capable. A stubborn woman in every since of the word. If Gwen made up her mind she could not and would not be swayed. She also knew when to have fun and just how many ways she could. She could cut up with the best of them, her laugh was contagious. She was a nurturing loving mother realizing her children were each different and parented accordingly. Gwen did her very best to raise her kids with the values her parents used and then some. “Family is number one, it’s always first everything else comes after,” she would say. She always told her kids, “Never go to bed mad at one another, and always say I love you because you never know when you won’t have that opportunity.” Later in life she discovered just how much she enjoyed being a grandmother. Her grandbabies were her reason for breathing..her words. Gwen struggled for many years with her health, she was definitely a fighter. A person can only fight as long as their body will allow. Gwen has found her peace.

Gwen is survived by her daughter, Reina and spouse Jericho of Red Oak, Oklahoma; boys, Juan Andres of Poteau, Oklahoma, Francisco of Poteau, Oklahoma, and Michael “her angel” of the home; siblings, Christene Martinez of Poteau, Oklahoma, Katherine Gullick of Shady Point, Oklahoma, Roy Gullick, III of Poteau, Oklahoma, Royce Gullick of Poteau, Oklahoma; seven grandchildren, Francisco, Enrique, Amara, Isabella, Emily, Asa, Cruz, numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and loved ones. She was preceded in death by one brother, Gene Gullick; sister Ramona “Monie” Warren; parents, Flora James and Roy Gullick; grandchildren, Macaden Dewitt and Mariana Dewitt.

A memorial party will be held at 3pm on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at her sister’s residence. Come as you are. No fancy attire. Gwen was a shorts and flip-flops kind of gal and would approve.

Cremation is under the direction of Grace Funeral Service in Poteau, Oklahoma. To sign Gwen’s online guest book please visit

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