Harlow Monroe Ross was born March 5, 2019 in Kansas City, Kansas to Hannah Marie Ross and passed away July 21, 2019 in Olathe, Kansas at the age of 4 months old.


She is survived by her mom, Hannah Ross of the home, grandmother, Gaila Ross of the home, great grandparents; Linda and Bill Hixon of Stillwater, Oklahoma, great-great grandmother, Billie Crockett of Fort Smith, Arkansas, numerous other relatives, and loved ones.


Harlow was planted on Earth to bloom in Heaven!


Funeral Services will be 1:00 pm Thursday, July 25, 2019 at Mallory-Martin Funeral Home Chapel in Spiro, Oklahoma with Karen Robbins and Larry Garrett officiating.


Burial will follow at Spiro City Cemetery in Spiro, Oklahoma under the direction of Mallory-Martin Funeral Home in Spiro.


Pallbearers will be Chuck Robbins and Larry Garrett.


To sign Harlow’s online guest book, please visit www.mallorymartinfuneralhome.com

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