Free event will teach science of hope and equip educators to strengthen outcomes among students
(Tulsa, Okla.) Hope is one of the strongest predictors of academic success, and now local educators can learn how to build hope in themselves and in the students they serve. Hope Rising Oklahoma is hosting the state’s first-ever Education Hope Summit in Adair. The free, daylong event will focus on the science of hope and how it can be used to help students succeed in the classroom and beyond.
The event is designed for educators and school administrators from across Northeast Oklahoma. It will be held at New Life Frontier Ranch On Tuesday, Aug. 9, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and online registration is available at
The Northeast Oklahoma Education Hope Summit is organized by Oklahoma First Lady Sarah Stitt and Hope Rising Oklahoma and will be led by renowned hope scholar Dr. Chan Hellman of the OU-Tulsa Hope Research Center.
“We know that hope impacts education in powerful ways,” said Dr. Hellman. “Numerous studies show that students with high hope levels consistently demonstrate higher grades, higher attendance and graduation rates, greater success in college, improved social relationships, stronger recovery from trauma and adverse experiences, improved engagement in the classroom and more. Once educators understand the science of hope, they can use it to strengthen student outcomes and increase their own job satisfaction and well-being.”
Since Hope Rising Oklahoma was founded in 2021, First Lady Stitt and Dr. Helman have held Hope Summit events in Enid, Duncan and Claremore. Notably, this is the first Hope Summit focused solely on education.
“Across Oklahoma, teachers and administrators are working tirelessly to help their students succeed in and out of the classroom,” said First Lady Stitt. “Our goal is to support our educators and help them strengthen their outcomes with the science of hope. We hope this will be the first of many Education Hope Summits across the state.”
Attendees of the Northeast Oklahoma Education Hope Summit will:
● Receive teachable, evidence-based practices for measuring and growing hope in themselves and their students;
● Learn how to reduce burnout and increase job satisfaction, goal attainment, engagement and well-being;
● Learn how to implement hope-centered, trauma-informed action strategies/steps;
● Be equipped to use the science of hope to strengthen their schools and create lasting change in their students; and
● Hear from Oklahoma First Lady Sarah Stitt about educators’ exciting role in making Oklahoma the first hope-centered state in the nation.
The Northeast Oklahoma Education Hope Summit is sponsored by Evolution Foundation.
Through an alliance between the Sarah Stitt Hope Foundation and the University of Oklahoma’s Hope Research Center, Hope Rising Oklahoma empowers people, families and communities to better their lives through the science of hope. Driven by findings that hope is a leading predictor of success in education, work, health, mental health, social relationships, family and trauma recovery, Hope Rising Oklahoma provides evidence-based practices to help communities measure and build hope levels in every sector. To learn more, visit