Oklahoma Attorney General seal

Oklahoma Attorney General seal

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Ellen Pogemiller, D-Oklahoma City, submitted a letter to the Attorney General requesting a formal opinion on the ethics of the State Superintendent using state resources to promote the labor organization Teachers Freedom Alliance (TFA).

“I write to formally request an Attorney General Opinion regarding whether Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters’ use of state letterhead and other state resources to endorse a labor organization/professional organization known as Teachers Freedom Alliance, explicitly advocating for it as a superior alternative to other unions and professional organizations in Oklahoma, constitutes a violation of state law,” Pogemiller said in the letter.

Pogemiller says on March 10, 2025, the State Superintendent issued written communications on official state letterhead and using state resources, advocating for TFA and positioning it as a preferable alternative to other labor organizations and professional organizations representing educators in Oklahoma.

She lists two reasons that this official communication from the State Superintendent is in violation of:

  1. Under OK 74 O.S. § Rule 4.4, state officers are prohibited from using ‎state resources to promote private interests.
  2. Under Oklahoma’s General Conflict of Interest and Government Ethics laws OK 74 O.S. § Rule 4.4, state officers may not use their position to provide preferential treatment to a ‎specific private entity.

“I am respectfully urging the office of the Attorney General to review this matter and issue an opinion to clarify the legality of this conduct,” Pogemiller said. “I am also requesting the Attorney General’s office investigate the financial ties and contacts the State Superintendent has with TFA. Each potential violation of ethics laws should be thoroughly investigated and it is important we use the checks and balances we have in place to hold those in power accountable. I made a commitment to my district to hold the State Superintendent accountable when he is using his power for personal gain or to enhance the power of private entities.”

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