Virgin Sees Governor’s Press Conference as Step in Right Direction
Minority Leader Remains Disappointed in Lack of Mask Policy

OKLAHOMA CITY — House Minority Leader Emily Virgin, D-Norman, today released the following statement in response to Gov. Kevin Stitt’s press conference on the growing concerns regarding Oklahoma’s hospitalization capacity.

“I’m grateful that the Governor has decided to collaborate with and listen to our state health leaders regarding the growing number of hospitalizations in our state.

“Our caucus still has questions about hospital staffing and the backlog of data. We have asked the OSDH for clarification on both issues.

“I was disappointed to not hear any questions or comments from the governor or his staff regarding a statewide mask policy. Medical experts, including the State Medical Association, are calling for this policy, and the Governor should listen to them. We still feel that this is the best precaution Oklahomans can take to protect the economy and our neighbors.”

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