The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is pleased to announce it is now accepting applications for the 74th Academy. Applications will be accepted through November 30, 2024. The 74th Academy is a traditional academy and applicants do not need prior law enforcement experience to apply.

“OHP is searching for high-quality cadets to start the 74th Academy,” said DPS Commissioner Tim Tipton. “We are searching for men and women with a passion to serve their communities across the state.”

The 74th Academy is scheduled to begin May 5, 2025, and will run approximately twenty weeks.

Anyone interested in applying can fill out an application and learn more about the requirements at under the Join the OHP tab.

“OHP has launched a new recruiting effort that allows troopers to text with potential applicants,” said OHP Chief Pat Mays. “We believe this will better allow us to reach the next generation of troopers and facilitate communication throughout the application process.”

Interested applicants who want to correspond with a recruiter can text “Join the OHP” to 405-993-3230.

For the 74th Academy, OHP’s physical fitness test is a 2000-meter row. The 2000-meter row is a pass/fail test and grading is scaled according to gender and weight. 

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol Academy is very structured. During academy training, cadets will be challenged academically, physically, and mentally. A typical day begins with physical training, drill and ceremony, and inspections, prior to the classroom instruction. The evening hours are used for course studies, assignment completions, practical exercises, and preparation for the following day. A typical workday will vary from 12 to 18 hours. Cadets going into an academy are strongly encouraged to be in top physical condition. This will assist them in achieving the goal of becoming an OHP trooper.

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