Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Program to Launch First Pilot in March

OKLAHOMA CITY – Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready announced new details regarding the launch of OKReady, the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes (SOH) program, that went into effect on November 1, 2024.

Over the past several months, the Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID) has been working on developing application processes, evaluating zip-code storm data, training grant coordinators and recruiting contractors and evaluators to participate in the new grant program. The OID is excited to set a date of March 3, 2025 for a pilot launch of grant applications.

“We are proud of the work we have been able to accomplish since late last year,” said Ashley Scott, Deputy Commissioner of External Affairs and director of OKReady. “We know that homeowners are excited to apply for these grants and we will continue to work diligently to stand-up this new program.”

OKReady will be allocating up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in grant funds per approved household. The funding will be allocated towards approved construction projects which will fortify homes pursuant to the IBHS FORTIFIED Home – Roof™ – High Wind designation with the Hail Supplement. Grant funds will be paid to the Contractor on behalf of the homeowner after receiving the IBHS FORTIFIED Certification. The first pilot launch will focus on 100 homes in zip codes that will be released next month. The OID will launch three pilots to optimize application and review processes. OKReady plans to issue a thousand grants in 2025.

Eligibility Requirements:

To apply for the grant, homeowners will need to complete an electronic application and provide all necessary documentation before the application can be submitted.

  • The home must be a single-family, primary residence that is owned and occupied by the applicant.
  • The home must be in good repair unless damaged by a tornado, catastrophic windstorm, or hail. Good repair means the home is well maintained, and the only damage if any, is recent storm related damage.
  • Applicants must submit a copy of their Homestead Exemption in PDF format in the electronic application. Homeowners who do not have an exemption should apply through their County Assessor’s office. To qualify for Homestead Exemption the property must be owned and occupied as of January 1st. If you file after the assessor’s deadline for 2025, your exemption will not apply until the following tax year.
  • Proof of an in-force homeowners insurance policy is required in PDF format in the electronic application. Homes in flood zones must also provide proof of flood insurance. Visit to determine if your property is in a floodplain.
  • Homeowner’s must submit a PDF copy of their previous year’s Tax Return Form 1040 in the electronic application.
  • Homeowners must provide their Social Security Number.
  • If you hold the Power of Attorney for an applicant with the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes program, you must submit a PDF copy of the Power of Attorney to the Oklahoma Insurance Department before any staff member will discuss grant details for the applicant.

Income Tiers:

To prioritize assistance for lower-income households, the program will use two income tiers which have been determined using the median income in Oklahoma (U.S. Census Bureau, 2023). Applicants will be categorized using the homeowner’s annual household income provided on their previous year’s Tax Return Form 1040.

  • Income Tier 1 will be households with an income of $62,138 or less.
  • Income Tier 2 will be households with an income above $62,138.

Applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis within each income tier, with a priority given to lower income applicants and applicants who live in locations, that based on historical data, have a higher susceptibility to catastrophic weather events.

Resources such as a list of FAQ’s and a Homeowner’s checklist and instruction document are available on our website at Additional details on applying for grants and the pilot zip codes will be notated on the OID website by February 18th.

If you have questions about the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Program or application process, please email the team at .

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