(Oklahoma City) – The deadline to register to vote or update your voter registration for Oklahoma’s August 25 Runoff Primary election is Friday, July 31, State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax said today.
Applicants can fill out an application using the OK Voter Portal’s voter registration “wizard.” The registration “wizard” makes it easy for voters to complete the application, then print, sign, and mail it to their County Election Board. Voter Registration Applications can also be downloaded from the State Election Board website and are available at all county election boards, most tag agencies, post offices, and libraries.
Voter registration applications must be received by the Election Board or postmarked no later than Friday, July 31.
Fifty (50) counties have an election scheduled for August 25. Only eighteen (18) counties have a state or federal election. All counties with elections on August 25 will have early voting available Thursday and Friday preceding the election. Those with state or federal elections will have an additional day of early voting on Saturday preceding the election. More information about early voting can be found on the State Election Board website.
Voters can search the election list by county on the State Election Board website or view a sample ballot using the OK Voter Portal.
Visit elections.ok.gov to learn more.