But it does help buy another guitar now and again !

Ya know , in High School , when we put Mourning After together , I was proud of our music . We sometimes made up to $20 a piece for a gig . But that was after hours of practice and 3-4 thousand dollars of instruments and sound equipment ! Now in 1969 that was a fair wage and an enormous investment ! Fifty years later , it’s $50-$100 a nite and 10-20 thousand for the equip it takes to make music ! So , we sure don’t do it for the money !
I have written bout how to be a good fan. Follow your favorites bands , stepping out or even online , and let them know that you appreciate the hard work and enjoy their talent and music ! Plus if ya can drop a lil’ in the tip Jar , it might be enough for gas to make the job ! Get out when ya can and support Live Music !

This is what I learned about being the best band that ya can . Practice , Presentation and Personality !
Practice – It is not how often ya practice or how long , it’s learning good practice habits ! Be prepared when ya get together with new material . Practice at home first . Pick out songs that speak to ya . Learn to start and finish together . Leave some songs open-ended for room to jam ! If ya wanna get better and become popular , pick the right songs for the job . Basic stuff ! You can not practice enough or ever learn it all ! But every day you can improve !

Presentation – Come to the gig on time for set-up and sound check . Keep a clean and practical stage . Ya know room to move and react to the moment . Smaller and lighter equip makes this easier . Plus sending a mixed sound helps , sometimes without amps . Lightweight and small sure helps us more experienced pickers ( I am trying real hard NOT to say “older”) !
Personality – Have one ! Just starting or experienced in the business , learn to interact (Rocky Sumpter’s style) with the people . At least speak to’em and thank’em for coming out ! I have made lifelong friends from dancers and music lovers from here to the East Coast . Use the mic on stage to your advantage . People like to hear their name ! Then they become a part of the nite ! Introduce the songs and the band . It don’t seem important with a small crowd but it is cause ya can practice your people skills ! Ya never know how long this ride might last so use the time to sharpen your skills ! It all helps to build a fanbase or following !

Most working bands learn from other bands . Listen and learn , ask questions , watch social media and videos , pick up tricks and sometimes just steal (Borrow) arrangements and licks ! We all do it a lil’ ! I have some great memories playing . The magic is always there , sometimes it gets better when ya play for a bigger crowd . But always play for each other , always play for yourself . Feed your love of music with the best effort that you have at that moment !
“Nuff said ! I have learned most of this since 2009 . I was given the gift of sobriety and I am grateful . Before that , I thought I was like Hank Jr. or “No Show Jones” ! Playing in Honky Tonks and bars , I thought I was a sales rep for Coors or Southern Comfort . I thought I was funny and somewhat of a star (a legend in my on mind ) . So Here’s a few things that I learned thru the years bout what NOT to do !
First – Tequila DOES make your clothes fall off . Do Not under any circumstance “Moon” folks from the stage . Always check your zipper ! Double check to see if your guitar is in the van . Watch the drummer close , he has been known to steal your girl . If the bass player don’t drive , DL might have been taken ! That’s a red flag ! Inna Gadda da Vida is not appropriate for the “Country Connection Bar and Fireworks Stand” ! Foul language and cussin’ is NOT gonna impress anybody but the drunk at the bar ! Are ya playing for him or the other 100 people dancing that will come listen to you again ! What image are you presenting ! Look at videos and ask yourself , Would I pay hard earned money to hear them ? Make music , make friends , make fans , make memories !

And speaking of Live Music – Grannie’s Nightmare has a busy weekend ! Saturday , the 13th , they will be Rockin’ at Shooter’s ! Music from 9-1 am . Then , Sunday the 14th , just a short drive thru the Fall Foliage down to Tuskahoma at Chuck’s Classic Cycle . It’s a Lunch and Lyrics event . Music starts at 1 pm . The mts. Will be purty this weekend and a lotta tourist will be out ! Be cautious and courteous to Motorcycles and cars ! It’ll be a Rockin’ afternoon !

Poss (Mark) Adams is putting a party together at the Coffee Cup this Sat the 13th ! From 5-8 pm , the Poss Party will feature Rearvue Mirror and several special guest ! It is always well attended by the Pirate Crew so come by and listen to some great music , get a good meal and a punkin-spice Latte !

And Friday the 12th Connie Abbott will be playing the dance music at the Ft. Smith Senior Activity center on Cavanaugh Rd. ! Classic Country by the best 3-piece band around ! I love their music ! I think music starts at 6 pm !

Send me info at 918-649-5736 or tj.wiles61@outlook.com !

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