I was honored this week by Kim Rose with Kiamichi Economic Development District of Oklahoma (KEDDO) who presented me with an award of appreciation for my support of the “Oklahoma Association of Regional Councils.” I’m always happy to support this organization as they focus on rural development issues.

This past Tuesday, McAlester High School Girls Basketball team came by for a visit. I presented each with a citation recognizing their winning the 5A state championship game. I welcomed them to the people’s house with a floor presentation to congratulate them on this huge accomplishment.

Monday, I met with Dr. Gillette, a resident at the Choctaw Nation Hospital in Talihina. We had a great visit about things we are doing right in Oklahoma to attract doctors to rural areas. He stated we are one of the better states in the nation in recruiting doctors to locate in rural Oklahoma. I also had a chance to visit with Shawn Howard, McAlester Regional’s CEO, this week about current issues they are facing.

This has been a week full of committee hearings as we work our way through the numerous Senate bills. After a Senate bill advances through the House committees it becomes available to be heard on the floor for consideration. We will begin hearing Senate bills in earnest next week on the floor.

As always, thank You for allowing me to serve you. I can be reached at (405) 557-7381 or by email at jim.grego@okhouse.gov.

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