Week seven is here in a blink, and now we are into spring break. This session truly has flown by. We are hearing bills Monday and Tuesday only this week, then full force next week as we close out the House side of bills for the First Session of the 60th Legislature. I still have two bills that have not been heard on the floor. House Bill 1408 pertains to graduation rates and House Bill 1126 pertains to meat labeling. These need to be heard before next Thursday or they will not be considered this session.
Budget subcommittee meetings continue with our Senate counterparts as we attempt to reach agreement on issues where we can find consensus. One matter I and my counterparts are wrestling with is whether to agree to fund Oklahoma State University’s request for a new veterinary medicine teaching hospital. This is a big ask, a little south of $400 million. We all agree something is needed, but how much remains the question of the day.
Monday night was a chance for legislators to show their skills as livestock handlers as we participated in Oklahoma Youth Expo’s Legislative Showmanship contest. It was a lot of fun as I attempted to show a pig owned by Ross Taylor of Canadian FFA. A total of nearly 150 public officials showed their stuff in the Big House for the final time. At the end of the evening, Senate President Pro Tem Lonnie Paxton was the big winner. Sen. Paxton does have an agriculture background, but one might question the motive behind his win being a “little political” in nature. All in all, it was a lot of fun. Connections being made with our youth is what it is all about.
As always, thank You for allowing me to serve you. I can be reached at (405) 557-7381 or by email at jim.grego@okhouse.gov.
Jim Grego serves District 17 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. His district includes Latimer County and part and Pittsburg County.