For many people around the world, this is Holy Week, leading up to Easter – the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Before we get to resurrection, however, we have to go through some dark days.
I’m always struck by the difference in the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. On Palm Sunday, the crowds are shouting Hosannah to the son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. They’re laying palm branches and their coats on the road for Jesus to ride over as he nears Jerusalem. They are ready to make Him their king.
By Thursday, the same crowd is yelling crucify!
What a fickle bunch we humans are. When we don’t get the king we want, we’re ready to crucify Him.
But thank God for His incredible mercy. He knew His plan all along. Jesus knew He would have to leave His wonderful home in heaven, come down to this messy world and live among humans for 33 years before going to a brutal Roman cross to die for the sins of humanity.
What we call Good Friday sure looked dark. The people who’d followed Jesus must have felt utter dejection and hopelessness as they watched Him take His last breath and be laid in a tomb.
But thankfully that wasn’t the end the story.
On Sunday morning, some women who’d gone to the tomb thinking they were going to anoint the body of Jesus in burial were utterly amazed to find their Lord and Savior risen. Jesus spent the next 40 days with His disciples, preparing them for what would happen after He ascended to heaven.
I love the Easter story and the hope that it brings to each of us. Life may look the darkest, but if we cry out to Jesus and accept Him as our Lord, we get all the promise of resurrection and life with Him in His beautiful heaven. No matter what your beliefs or traditions, I hope you have a wonderful Easter this year. Blessings to you all!
As always, thank You for allowing me to serve you. I can be reached at (405) 557-7381 or by email at
Jim Grego serves District 17 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. His district includes Latimer County and part and Pittsburg County.