The final week of the legislative session is finally here, but unfortunately our work is not done as we still have not reached a budget agreement between the House, Senate and the governor’s office. We will officially sine die this Friday. If a budget agreement is not reached by that time, we will be required to go into our special session to complete this work.

The big hold up this year was our education budget. We finally came to an agreement on that, and we’ve now got the remainder of the budget in the works. I’ll be able to give many more details in my next column.

This week, we also will be considering which bills the governor has vetoed as we determine if we wish to override his veto or not. A motion to override must originate in the chamber where the bill originated and requires a two-thirds vote of each legislative chamber. If the bill has an emergency, it requires a three-fourths vote.

This weekend is Memorial Day, a time we remember the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. I can never say enough to express my gratitude to those who dedicate and give their lives to serving our country. There is not a more selfless group of people or ones who are more courageous and brave. And it’s not just our military members who make this sacrifice but their family members and those who love them as well.

I will be speaking at the Wilburton VFW this Memorial Day about what memorial Day means to me along with the traditional “Laying of the Wreaths.” I’m hoping many will be able to join us.

As always, thank You for allowing me to serve you. I can be reached at (405) 557-7381 or by email at

  • Jim Grego serves District 17 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. His district includes Latimer County and part and Pittsburg County.

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