I want to start this week being thankful for the rain that has fallen. We have spent the last month or so trying to mitigate this current drought. So many drought management plans have now changed simply because of the rain. This is a good problem! I am thanking the good Lord above for this much-needed moisture for our crops and animals.

October seems to be the month of annual meetings as well. This past week, I attended three such annuals. We started with Pittsburg County Conservation Bankers Awards Dinner in McAlester. This is such a special event as the local banks step up and provide funding for this event to recognize not only outstanding cooperators but also our youth. This is such a good way to keep our conservation movement heading into the future. I should also mention my grandson received a plaque for his land judging skills. Can’t help but be a proud grandpa. Congratulations to all award winners.

I finished out the week attending Latimer County Cattlemen’s annual dinner as well as Pittsburg County American Farmers and Ranchers annual dinner. At both of these events I provided legislative updates. These meetings allow me to become more in touch with my constituents. I believe in order to represent, it is a requirement to stay in touch.

Things are slow at the Capitol as we approach the upcoming general election. We’re wrapping up our interim studies. We had several that focused on criminal justice reforms this week. I want to encourage everyone to go vote on Nov. 8. There are many important seats up on the ballot, including governor and lieutenant governor, state superintendent, treasurer and labor commissioner, corporation commissioner and the Congressional District 2 seat. There are several local races as well. You can even vote early in person at the county election boards. Take advantage of this most important right to have a say in who represents you in local, state and national government.

As always, thank You for allowing me to serve you. I can be reached at (405) 557-7381 or by email at jim.grego@okhouse.gov.

  • Oklahoma House of Representatives. His district includes Latimer County and parts of LeFlore and Pittsburg counties.

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