Oklahoma Congressional District Two Candidate Josh Brecheen, R-Coalgate, has been invited to speak and answer questions at a community event later this month.
A meet, greet and send begins at 6:30 p.m. May 24 at the LeFlore County Fairgrounds, 3004 N Broadway, Poteau, hosted by Sam Walden and Friends.
More information about Brecheen, including his campaign video, is available on his website: https://joshbrecheen.com.
Brecheen, 42, is a fourth-generation rancher, a committed Christian, husband and father, and a small-business owner. He served eight years as a state senator, fighting against the status quo, and standing up against special interests. He led the fight against Common Core and tax hikes and took a firm stand for policies that protect life and family values.
He previously served as a field rep in Southeastern Oklahoma for U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn. Like Coburn, Brecheen kept his campaign promise to limit himself to two terms in the State Senate.
He said he’s running for Congress because it is time to square off against the giants confronting our nation.
“Inflation is out of control. We have a $30 trillion-dollar federal debt. Medicare is insolvent in just four years, Social Security insolvent in 11 years. Illegals are pouring across the Southern border. Crime is rampant and liberal elites are assaulting our most cherished, fundamental values,” Brecheen said.
“America is desperate for new leaders who are fixated on liberty; who are not willing to kick the can down the road anymore; who’ll stop doing what’s expedient and do what’s right. Your children and mine deserve better than we’re getting under this President and this Congress. I want my kids and yours, to grow up in the America we’ve enjoyed — the greatest nation the world has ever seen — one bursting with freedom, hope and opportunity. It can be that way again, but only if we humble ourselves as a people, do what’s right and get involved by electing leaders who have the courage and wisdom to make the tough decisions needed to course correct.”