Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to win this election. The people of Oklahoma’s Congressional District 2 have spoken and voted to REFORM Congress.
I will continue to speak to the people of Oklahoma’s Congressional District 2 to ensure that life is protected from the moment of conception, that I will honor my term limits pledge of serving only eight years in the U.S. HOuse, and I will be a ture Conservative voting against runaway federal spending and advocating original adherence to Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution… in tandem with the Tenth Amendment.
I am truly blessed to be able to serve as your next Congressman. This journey to Election Day has been nothing short of an adventure.
I look forward to serving as your next Congressman.
Thank you for your support, and God Bless,
Josh Brecheen
Paid for by Josh Brecheen For Congress PO Box 368 Colgate, OK 74538