Many enter the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and drive. January is welcomed with promises of possibility and hope for the best versions of ourselves as we reset the calendar year. Unfortunately, we know for Democrats in 2022 this will not be the case.


2021 was a year filled with countless crises, bad policy, and reckless spending. With a Democrat controlled White House, Senate, and House, there is nowhere else to place the blame. Instead of legislation to help hard-working Americans, the past year was filled with messaging bills to appeal to the radical Left and check off socialist wish lists.


There is no doubt that 2022 will be the same. Democrats are still pushing their Build Back Broke bill as inflation continues to skyrocket. The President has shown us that he reaches for emergency oil and gas reserves in times of energy crisis, yet his anti-fossil fuel, Green New Deal agenda remains the same. Fentanyl has killed more Americans ages 18-45 than COVID, but Democrats still refuse to stop the temporary extensions and place the substance under a schedule one order for good.


It is our job to fight for Americans’ ability to put food on their tables, heat their homes, and power their cars. We are meant to be their voice in Congress, championing legislation to improve quality of life and create opportunities for every American to support themselves and their families. There are many whose lives depend on it.


I’ve never seen a record-breaking presidency quite like this one and I do not mean that in a good way. It is time Washington reigns it in and gets back on track with governing our country the way the American people deserve.

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