Press release
(POTEAU, OKLAHOMA) – Leadership LeFlore County is taking applications for the 12th annual leadership class of 2019.
Applications are now being accepted by contacting Poteau Chamber of Commerce 918-647-9178.
Leadership can consist of a variety of positions and attributes. Defining a great leader depends on several qualities and the desire to succeed. Some of the key qualities of a great leader are attitude, drive, imagination and passion. The 2019 Leadership course touches on all of these during the eight-week session. LLC is sponsored each year by The LeFlore County Development Coalition, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, AES, OG&E, The Community State Bank, The Donald W. Reynolds Center, City of Poteau, Leadership Development and Citizens Engagement and the Poteau Chamber of Commerce.
Leadership LeFlore County…..
The 2019 session marks the 12th year with over 150 alumni that hold successful leadership positions on the state and local level. LLC is a county wide leadership program designed to be a series of issue-oriented forums and learning experiences which are based on the belief that knowledge is a key element and prime motivator of a successful leader. LLC is looking for applications from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and geographical locations in LeFlore County and the surrounding areas.
Leadership Leflore County is open to all interested LeFlore County residents and does not discriminate based on age, sex, race, religion or natural origin. Participants are selected based on the ability, demonstrated interest in their community and insight for effective leadership.
The application process is to ensure a class consisting of members from diverse backgrounds and locations. Fifteen are chosen annually to attend the nine-week course. Danette Russell, OSU Extension says, “each year has been a great success, numbers increase, feedback is positive and new leaders develop.”
Each year we offer a diversified curriculum of studies that will prepare the participants for future leadership roles. The Chamber Board as many board members of other organization consist of graduates of LLC. It is great each year to see the past graduates grow in leadership capacities adding to the success of our entire community. Karen Wages, CEO Poteau Chamber of Commerce.
The leaders that develop from this experience has taken the chamber, the city and county to new levels of professionalism, community pride, unity and growth.
We are looking for to the vision, energy and connectivity with the 2019 class.