All good things must come to an end, they say. I guess I have realized that more in the past few years than ever before.
It started with my kids growing up and moving forward with their lives, my mom passed away, we sold our home that held so many awesome family members and now it is time to say goodbye to you. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed writing for you and sharing my life with you.
You all have become like family to me and I know I will miss writing this column, but as we are all well aware, life happens and changes must follow.
Gosh, I was thinking just the other day about how much you guys had been through with me. The highs, the lows and everything in between.
My kids grew up during the time I have been writing this column, now I’m about to be a grandmommy!
We bought that beloved home in Poteau and renovated it together.
You read about every party we ever had there. You grieved with me when friends and family members passed. I finished my degree and started a new career. Wow! Some of those things feel like forever ago. It’s crazy how much life passes us by and we don’t even realize it at the time.
Again, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you reading my column every week. I truly will miss telling you all about everything.
Thanks again for being a part of the memories!