Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation


Arcadia: April 29. Elevation is 0.5 ft. above normal and stable, water temperature 64°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level) Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits and spinnerbaits around channels, coves, and points. Blue and channel catfish fair on cut bait and dough bait around coves and flats. Crappie good on hair jigs, minnows, and tube jigs around brush structure, coves, docks, and rocks. Report submitted by Dalton Buley, game warden stationed in Oklahoma County.

Hefner: April 28. Elevation is normal and stable, water temperature 65°F and stained. (USGS Lake Level) Largemouth and white bass good on crankbaits, minnows, and sassy shad around main lake, shorelines, and weed beds. Blue and channel catfish good on chicken liver, shad, and worms around channels and main lake. Crappie good on jigs, minnows, and PowerBait around docks, rocks, and shorelines. Report submitted by Tim Campbell, game warden stationed in Oklahoma County.

Overholser: April 30. Elevation is 1 ft. below normal and stable, water temperature 65°F and stained. (USGS Lake Level) Crappie excellent on jigs and minnows around riprap and shallows. White bass good on crankbaits, jigs, and minnows around points and shorelines. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait and worms around riprap and shallows. Report submitted by Mark Murray, game warden stationed in Canadian County.

Stanley Draper: April 29. Elevation is .5 ft. below normal and falling, water temperature 65°F and stained. (USGS Lake Level) Largemouth bass good on Alabama rigs, plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around main lake, points, shallows, and shorelines. Crappie good on jigs and minnows around shallows and shorelines. White bass good on sassy shad and small lures around inlet, main lake, and points. Report submitted by Chad Strang, game warden stationed in Cleveland County.

Thunderbird: April 29. Elevation is .5 ft. above normal and stable, water temperature 65°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level) Saugeye fair on crankbaits and plastic baits around points. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows around shallows and shorelines. White bass good on sassy shad and small lures around main lake and points. Report submitted by Chad Strang, game warden stationed in Cleveland County.

Wes Watkins: April 29. Elevation is 1.5 ft. below normal and rising, water temperature 64°F and stained. (USGS Lake Level) Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits and spinnerbaits around dam, points, and riprap. Channel catfish fair on chicken liver, PowerBait, and punch bait around channels and riprap. White bass good on crankbaits around dam and riprap. Report submitted by Mike France, game warden stationed in Pottawatomie County.


Bell Cow: April 28. Elevation is 4 ft. below normal and stable, water temperature 63°F and murky. Largemouth bass fair on buzz baits, jigs, plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around brush structure, riprap, shallows, shorelines, and standing timber. Crappie good on jigs and minnows around brush structure and docks. Channel catfish good on worms around brush structure, docks, and shallows. Report submitted by Jacob Harriet, game warden stationed in Lincoln County.

Birch: April 28. Elevation is 1 ft. above normal and stable, water temperature 65°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level) Largemouth and spotted bass good on plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around coves. Crappie good on jigs and minnows around brush structure and shallows. Report submitted by Jeremy Bersche, game warden stationed in Osage County.

Carl Blackwell: April 30. Elevation is 4 ft. below normal and rising, water temperature 70°F and murky. Crappie good on hair jigs, jigs, minnows, and spoons around brush structure, docks, and rocks. Saugeye excellent on jigs and plastic baits around points, riprap, and rocks. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait around flats and shorelines. Report submitted by Josey Branch, game warden stationed in Payne County.

Chandler: April 28. Elevation is 4 ft. below normal and stable, water temperature 64°F and murky. Largemouth bass fair on buzz baits, minnows, plastic baits, small lures, and spinnerbaits around dam, docks, shallows, and shorelines. Crappie good on jigs around brush structure, dam, and docks. Channel catfish on worms around shorelines. Report submitted by Jacob Harriet, game warden stationed in Lincoln County.

Copan: April 27. Elevation is 2 ft. below normal and stable, water temperature 59°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level) Crappie fair on hair jigs, minnows, PowerBait, tube jigs, and worms around brush structure, docks, and shorelines. Green and redear sunfish fair on worms around shorelines. Blue and channel catfish fair on cut bait, goldfish, live bait, live shad, minnows, shad, shrimp, and worms around channels, docks, main lake, and shorelines. Report submitted by Lt, Joe Alexander, game warden stationed in Washington County.

Eucha: April 27. Elevation is normal and rising, water temperature 64°F and murky. (USGS Lake Level) Largemouth bass good on crankbaits, plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around brush structure, coves, and points. Channel catfish fair on chicken liver, cut bait, and dough bait around coves, docks, and shorelines. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows around brush structure, docks, and shorelines. Report submitted by Riley Willman, game warden stationed in Delaware County.

Fort Gibson: April 29. Elevation is 6 ft. above normal and rising, water temperature 62°F and murky. (USACE Lake Level) Crappie fair on hair jigs, minnows, spoons, and tube jigs around brush structure, docks, and riprap. Blue and channel catfish good on chicken liver, cut bait, shad, sunfish, and worms around coves, points, and rocks. Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits, flukes, jigs, spinnerbaits, and worms around coves, docks, and rocks. Comments: High water this week will make fishing tougher. Hit below the dam for the best fishing during generation. White bass, paddlefish, and catfish should all be biting well below the dam with the extra flows. With water being released from Hudson paddlefish should make a run up the river as well, fish from three fingers all the way up to low water. Crappie should still be making a push to shallower water but the rising and falling of water will make it tough. Before the rains shad were spawning. Report submitted by Cody Morris, game warden stationed in Wagoner County.

Grand: April 28. Elevation is 4 ft. above normal and rising, water temperature 64°F and murky. (USACE Lake Level) White bass good on jerk baits, jigs, minnows, and spinnerbaits below the dam, creek channels, shallows, and tailwater. Crappie good on hair jigs, jigs, minnows, and spoons around brush structure, docks, points, and shorelines. Blue, channel, and flathead catfish good on cut bait, live shad, and shad below the dam, channels, flats, main lake, river channel, and river mouth. Report submitted by C. Newkirk, game warden stationed in Delaware County.

Greenleaf: April 28. Elevation is 1 ft. above normal and rising, water temperature 63°F and stained. Largemouth bass fair on lipless baits, plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around brush structure, points, and shorelines. Crappie fair on jigs, minnows, slabs, and small lures around brush structure, docks, and shallows. Blue and channel catfish good on cut bait, shad, and worms around docks, flats, and points. Report submitted by Dylan Langford, game warden stationed in Muskogee County.

Hudson: April 28. Elevation is 1 ft. above normal and stable, water temperature 67°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level) Largemouth and spotted bass good on crankbaits, jigs, and spinnerbaits around brush structure and coves. Crappie good on jigs and minnows around brush structure and coves. Blue catfish good on cut bait and shad around below the dam and river channel. Report submitted by Monte Reid, game warden stationed in Mayes County.

Hulah: April 27. Elevation is .5 ft. above normal and stable, water temperature 60°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level) Blue and channel catfish fair on crawfish, goldfish, live bait, live shad, minnows, shad, shrimp, sunfish, and worms around channels, docks, main lake, river channel, and shorelines. White bass fair on hair jigs, lipless baits, minnows, and small lures around channels, creek channels, and river channel. Report submitted by Lt. Joe Alexander, game warden stationed in Washington County.

Kaw: April 28. Elevation is 3 ft. above normal and rising, water temperature 60°F and murky. (USACE Lake Level) Blue, channel, and flathead catfish excellent on crawfish, cut bait, live bait, live shad, shad, sunfish, and worms around flats, river channel, river mouth, shallows, and shorelines. Striped bass hybrids and white bass good on crankbaits, grubs, jigs, minnows, sassy shad, shad, and tube jigs below the dam and tailwater. Paddlefish slow snagging below the dam. Report submitted by Spencer Grace, game warden stationed in Kay County.

Keystone: April 28. Elevation is normal and rising, water temperature 58°F and murky. (USACE Lake Level) Largemouth and smallmouth bass fair on Alabama rigs, bill baits, buzz baits, crankbaits, crawfish, flukes, jerk baits, jigs, lipless baits, live bait, plastic baits, and spinnerbaits around brush structure, coves, creek channels, flats, points, riprap, rocks, and shallows. Blue, channel, and flathead catfish good on crawfish, cut bait, dough bait, goldfish, live shad, stinkbait, and sunfish around main lake and river channel. Bluegill, green, and redear sunfish excellent on worms around brush structure and docks. Report submitted by Bailey Johnson, game warden stationed in Creek County.

Lower Illinois River: April 26. Elevation is 9 ft. above normal and rising, water temperature 49°F and clear. Rainbow trout good on caddis flies, hair jigs, in-line spinnerbaits, midges, nymphs, PowerBait, and worms around below the dam, shallows, and shorelines. Comments: Current generation 1251 CFS Report submitted by Jerry Henry, game warden stationed in Sequoyah County.

Oologah: April 28. Elevation is 1 ft. above normal and rising, water temperature 66°F and stained. Largemouth bass good on crankbaits and jigs around creek channels and river mouth. Blue and channel catfish good on shad around below the dam. Striped bass hybrids and white bass good on flukes and jigs around below the dam and rocks. Report submitted by J.D. Stauffer, game warden stationed in Rogers County.

Skiatook: April 28. Elevation is 8.5 ft. below normal and rising, water temperature 65°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level) Largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass fair on crankbaits and plastic baits around shorelines. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows around creek channels and shorelines. Report submitted by Paul Welch, game warden stationed in Osage County.

Sooner: April 29. Elevation is normal and stable, water temperature 63°F and clear. Crappie fair on jigs and minnows around brush structure, and riprap. Blue and channel catfish fair on cut bait and live bait around coves and main lake. Largemouth bass slow on jerk baits and plastic baits around brush structure and rocks. Report submitted by Stephen Paul, game warden stationed in Noble County.

Spavinaw: April 28. Elevation is normal and stable, water temperature 66°F and stained. (USGS Lake Level) Largemouth bass fair on crankbaits, jigs, and plastic baits around coves and shoreline