Lots of hoopla lately about the state rolling out newly designed car tags Sept. 1. I really don’t get it. My belief is that car tags serve two purposes: one is a mechanism to levy a tax on vehicles, and the other is simple identification purposes. As I get older, I tend to get more old-fashioned and like for things to stay the way they are. I look to our neighbors to the south. I don’t believe they have changed their car tags in at least 50 years or more, and they seem to be doing OK.
I keep hearing from constitutes who want to know why we haven’t fixed our immigration problem. If the public will remember, the Oklahoma Legislature did pass House Bill 4156 this past session, which put some restrictions on illegal immigrants who come into contact with law enforcement. This bill was signed into law by Gov. Stitt, but right off the bat there were unfavorable rulings from our judicial system, including the federal government. My answer is we will continue to try to put some strength into our state laws.
Finally, I see where the state Supreme Court ruled again against St. Isidore Catholic Virtual Charter School. This is such a disappointment, as I have always maintained that this could be an avenue for our rural students to have access to a religion-based education as so many of our metropolitan neighbors enjoy. Hopefully, this is not over, and we will continue to pursue this change in our education system.
As always, thank You for allowing me to serve you. I can be reached at (405) 557-7381 or by email at jim.grego@okhouse.gov.
Jim Grego serves District 17 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. His district includes Latimer County and part and Pittsburg County.