The approved interim study list is available on the House website, Just look under the committees tab and select interim studies from the drop down menu.

My study will examine how we have two separate statues pertaining to vehicle value for state taxation purposes. Excise tax (3.75 %) for used vehicles is based on a National Automotive Dealers Associations (NADA) estimate of what that vehicle is worth based on a national average for that make and model with no regard for any particular vehicle. Sales tax (1.25%) is based on actual sales price paid. The sales tax gives credit for vehicle trade in, which excise tax does not. I intend to bring in industry experts and see if we could determine  a more equitable process to determine vehicle values for taxation purposes.

Interim studies will be held between Aug. 5 and Nov. 8, but it will be up to committee chairs to schedule the studies, so dates and times have not yet been assigned.

Other than this, there is not much else happening at the Capitol at the moment.

Finally, my longtime Legislative Assistant Ashley Fox has left government service for a position in the private workforce. I give her all the credit for solving constitute concerns when you have called my office within the past five years. We have an interim assistant working on constitute issues during this time until I get a fulltime replacement. Hopefully, the process will be seamless. I do wish Ashley well in her next endeavor.

As always, thank You for allowing me to serve you. I can be reached at (405) 557-7381 or by email at


Jim Grego serves District 17 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. His district includes Latimer County and part and Pittsburg County.

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