OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma House of Representatives today honored the right to life of the unborn with a presentation for Rose Day on the chamber floor and the adoption of a resolution recognizing the significance of the day.
House Resolution 1022, authored by House Majority Leader Tammy West, R-Oklahoma City, and co-authored by a majority of House Republicans, recognizes the significance of Rose Day, Oklahoma’s annual pro-life rally at the Capitol.
“Rose Day has a rich heritage in our state Legislature,” West said. “Hundreds of people that value life, beginning at conception, gather to pass out roses to state representatives and other elected officials to remind us of the importance of protecting the unborn. It’s a beautiful tradition and a reminder of one of the gifts we hold most sacred.”
HR1022 states that “one of the great hallmarks of our American form of government is the right of our citizens to express their opinions on matters of great import to their elected officials,” and that “members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives greatly esteem and respect this right of the citizens to give their considered input and insight to elected members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, who are solemnly charged with crafting legislation for the people as a whole.”
The measure goes onto state that “the right to life of the unborn is one of the great public policy issues of our day, both for the American people and for Oklahomans of whatever political philosophy or persuasion,” and that “members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives affirm that all human life is sacred from the point of conception.”
HR1022 also makes note that the majority of members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives have led the nation in adopting legislation to defend unborn children and will continue to do so. They also have opposed any policy that would require citizens to pay for abortions through their taxpayer dollars or medical insurance premiums.
The resolution reads, “on Rose Day 2024, hundreds of our fellow Oklahomans will take time out of their busy lives to come to their State Capitol to make a public statement respecting the sanctity of human life and the worth of every unborn individual and to speak with their elected officials,” and “members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives greatly appreciate the heartfelt involvement of these committed Oklahoma citizens, both young and old, male and female.”
This year, abortion survivor Josiah Presley shared his story on the House floor. Presley currently serves as the student minister for North Pointe Baptist Church in Edmond and is married to Bethany and father to the couple’s daughter, Julia.
Tammy West serves District 84 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. Her district includes part of Oklahoma County.